planning kickoff research analysis design evaluation storytelling


You're putting your proposal or plan together for a project. You want to make sure your decisions around scope, methods, budget, and timeline will enable you to bring an intersectional lens to your work.

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Your project is approved and you're just getting started! You want to align your team and stakeholders and start to develop a deeper understanding of the "problem," its context and implications, who you'll engage and how, and what success will look like.

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You're about halfway through your initial research/exploration phase. You want to check if the path that you're on still makes the most sense, given what you set out to do and what you've been learning.

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You're done with your initial research phase and faced with tons of information. You want to pull insights that describe the major factors and forces that impact experiences and figure out which perspectives to highlight.

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You've got early iterations of a design solution. You want to make sure your designs are rooted in what you've learned and aligned to the needs and contexts of the communities that they will impact.

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You have design solutions that you want to test and get feedback on. You want to check if your testing methods are inclusive and are getting you feedback that is meaningful.

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You're ready to describe your process and tell a story about the intended impacts of your design. You want to craft compelling narratives that paint a dignified, human picture, and highlight the details that are relevant to your designs.

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