This is where we examine what we have learned and determine which perspectives to merge or amplify to create a clear picture of the factors and forces that impact experience the most. By reflecting at this phase, we are considering the nuance behind peoples' stories and selecting a balanced set of narratives with rich context.
Consider who within your organization and from the community should be involved in answering questions in this phase.
How are our assumptions, biases, or project pressures influencing our findings?
Which communities (and groups within them) are represented in our findings? Who is left out?
Does our language describe community members as having strengths and aspirations, or only challenges?
Insights with asset-based framing
Assessment of commitments to responsible practices made during earlier phases
Are there secondary factors or forces that are also important?
How might these findings influence the eventual solution? (e.g., the form it takes, how it is delivered or accessed)
Do we need to understand more about any of these factors or forces?
What are the risks or potential unintended consequences if we have misunderstood any of these factors and forces?
Validated factors and forces
Additional questions and/or community members to engage
Factors and forces that most impact experience
Which perspectives illustrate the variations that exist within communities?
Whose perspectives have been historically marginalized in this context?
Which "outliers" should we highlight to avoid oversimplification by focusing only on the "majority"?
Which perspectives illustrate the factors and forces that have the greatest impact on experience?
Insights informed by these perspectives
Alignment on which perspectives to elevate
Which insights feel most or least "true" to community members? What do we need to change for them to feel more "true"?
Did any of the insights come as a surprise to community members? Were any factors and forces previously invisible to them?
Should we be looking at this from a different angle? Who might help us understand if this is necessary?
Assumptions and biases
Threats to successful equity outcomes
Updated recruitment, engagement, and communication plans, timeline, and/or methodologies
Within Kaleidoscope, we're referring to impact as the emotional, social, and material results of one’s interaction with products, services, and systems. These effects can be planned, anticipated, or unintended.
Within Kaleidoscope, we're referring to factors and forces as the conditions or systemic structures that influence people’s experiences; these can include institutions, social structures, policies, people, technology, environmental and political factors, as well as individual circumstances that impact one's agency and access.
Within Kaleidoscope, context refers to the environment or situation in which a product or service is used, as well as the broader domain in which it exists (e.g., accessing primary care in a rural area, which sits within the broader domain of healthcare.) Defining the context enables us to examine the dynamic factors and forces within it (including social structures, institutions, political factors, policies, people, technology, and personal circumstances, etc) that influence the experiences of individuals and groups differently.
Within Kaleidoscope, we're referring to engage/engagements as inviting individuals or groups external to the immediate project team into the research and/or design process; types of engagement can range from consultation to methods that prioritize collaboration and sharing power (i.e., intentional actions to shift, grow, or rebalance power).
Within Kaleidoscope, we're referring to communities/community members primarily as the people and groups who will be served or impacted by the product or service you are creating. Although people can share common needs, values, or goals, applying an intersectional lens helps us avoid oversimplification, homogenous labels, and limiting assumptions when we think about groups. (For example, in a group of parents, we would benefit from looking deeper to explore the experiences of mothers, and deeper still to learn about the experiences of mothers of color.) Sometimes you may work directly with community members, and other times you might work with community leaders and advocates who have established trust with the communities your solution is intended to serve.
Within Kaleidoscope, we're referring to power as the capacity to influence or control ideas, institutions, situations, other people, experiences, or outcomes. Forms of power can be visible (e.g., formal rules and structures), hidden (e.g., controlling who is part of a decision-making process), or invisible (e.g., shaping people’s beliefs). While power is often associated with authoritative figures, there is also power in groups of people, organizations, and systems. Power can be a result of privilege, including social advantages or respect given to certain groups. As people involved in the creation of products and services, we have a responsibility to examine our own power in relation to the people our solutions are intended to serve.