
This is where we chart our course and set the tone for the project. By reflecting at this phase, we're envisioning an approach for this project that optimizes for inclusive and equitable outcomes with an intersectional lens - and we're determining the budgets, timelines, etc. that we need to bring that vision to life. We're also setting expectations with stakeholders from the very beginning around the methods, mindset, and what "success" looks like to us.

Consider who within your organization and from the community should be involved in answering questions in this phase.

communities impacted

Who will be impacted by this project, directly and indirectly? Which communities will we engage and why?

additional questions

What do we already know about these communities, including their needs and assets? What parts of our current knowledge are rooted in data vs assumption?

What biases and assumptions do we have about these communities? What others might we encounter as we involve more stakeholders? And how might we gather data that can challenge them?

How have we learned about these communities in the past? What sources have we consulted, and when?

How can we better understand the history of these communities and gather data that represents them and their leaders, without relying on community members to teach us?

potential outputs


Communities to engage

Assumptions and biases to check throughout the project


Stakeholder map

Inventory of team norms, structures, who we typically engage


Background on the "problem" and communities

An arrow pointing downwards.

problem definition

We're here to explore or create solutions to a problem. Who decided what that "problem" is?

additional questions

Do the communities affected agree that this is a problem? How would they define it? 

How does the “problem” show up differently for groups within these communities, or in different contexts

Who from these communities might we engage to help us define the "problem", project needs, desired outcomes, and  appropriate approaches?

How are our biases or project pressures influencing how we understand the "problem"?

potential outputs


Community members, experts, and leaders to engage


Potential threats to equity outcomes


Problem statement that includes different perspectives

An arrow pointing downwards.

voices to engage

Whose voices and perspectives do we hope to engage in our process? Why?

additional questions

Who do we usually engage with or view as experts? Why do we perceive them as “experts”? How might we expand this pool?

How can we best engage each community (and groups within them) given their different experiences, contexts, and cultures?

Which community leaders can help us determine perspectives that are missing and how to best engage them?

potential outputs


Community members to engage


Engagement, communication, and compensation plans that are culturally-responsive and/or trauma-informed

Process for community leaders to review engagement plans

An arrow pointing downwards.

meaningful engagement

How can we involve community members in a meaningful way throughout our process?

additional questions

What might community member involvement look like? Is there an opportunity for ongoing collaboration or co-design?

How much influence and decision-making power will community members have?

How and when will we share our learnings with these communities? How might we ensure there is broad access to our learnings within these communities?

How will we respond to critical feedback from communities? Can we shift our project plan if needed?

potential outputs


Engagement, communication, and compensation plans

Internal methods for designing with community

Updated budget and timeline


Role and decision-making power of community members

An arrow pointing downwards.

engagement methods

What do we need to do differently than our typical process so that we can meaningfully engage with these communities?

additional questions

How can we make participation more accessible and inclusive for different groups within these communities? (e.g., wheelchair access, times of day, remote vs. in-person, etc)

What methods or activities might we use to engage with these communities in ways that feel safe, respectful, and meaningful?

How are we valuing and compensating community members for sharing their time and expertise?

How do these approaches affect our budget and timelines?

potential outputs


Adjustments to typical process

Engagement, communication, and compensation plans that are culturally-responsive and/or trauma-informed

Updated budget and timeline


Costs associated with participant compensation, accessibility accommodations, etc

An arrow pointing downwards.

power dynamics

Thinking about the different communities and stakeholders in our process, who holds power? Who doesn't?

additional questions

How much power do we have in relation to the communities we’ll be working with? How can we share or shift that power?

How can we create spaces for community members to feel seen, valued, and safe to share their views with us?

How can we set clear expectations with community members around their role, the process, and outcomes? What unintended risks or consequences of participating can we address?

Are we prepared to follow the advice and expertise of those who are closest to the "problem"? If there is a conflict between community interests and project interests, how will we respond?

potential outputs


Engagement plan that is culturally-responsive and/or trauma-informed


Your power relative to communities

Role and decision making power of community members

Types of relationships the team wants to build with stakeholders

An arrow pointing downwards.

Within Kaleidoscope, we’re referring to accessibility as the ability for people to participate and meaningfully engage in the design/research process in ways that are considerate of their needs, which could include accommodations for disabilities or other individual circumstances that would otherwise prevent or hinder their participation.

Within Kaleidoscope, valuing describes acknowledging people’s contributions of time and expertise through appreciation, material compensation, and actions (e.g., naming them as contributors, hiring them for a formal role, etc.) It is important to be sensitive in how participants are valued; communicate with them in advance to ensure they will be valued in appropriate ways based on their individual circumstances and to request their consent.

Within Kaleidoscope, we're referring to safe/safety as conditions in which people feel they can participate, express themselves, and share their perspectives without fear of retribution or negative consequences.

Within Kaleidoscope, we're referring to inclusion as the process of integrating perspectives and contributions from diverse communities, as well as the qualities and features of a solution that meet the needs of diverse communities. When realized, inclusion will be reflected in participants' felt sense that they have fully participated in, authentically contributed to, and belong in the research/design process, and that their needs are well met by the solution that results from that process.

Within Kaleidoscope, context refers to the environment or situation in which a product or service is used, as well as the broader domain in which it exists (e.g., accessing primary care in a rural area, which sits within the broader domain of healthcare.) Defining the context enables us to examine the dynamic factors and forces within it (including social structures, institutions, political factors, policies, people, technology, and personal circumstances, etc) that influence the experiences of individuals and groups differently.

Within Kaleidoscope, we're referring to co-design as a partnership between those creating products and services and the people that will use or be affected by those solutions to understand, define, and solve a problem together, from planning through research and design to delivery.

Within Kaleidoscope, we're referring to communities/community members primarily as the people and groups who will be served or impacted by the product or service you are creating. Although people can share common needs, values, or goals, applying an intersectional lens helps us avoid oversimplification, homogenous labels, and limiting assumptions when we think about groups. (For example, in a group of parents, we would benefit from looking deeper to explore the experiences of mothers, and deeper still to learn about the experiences of mothers of color.) Sometimes you may work directly with community members, and other times you might work with community leaders and advocates who have established trust with the communities your solution is intended to serve.

Within Kaleidoscope, we're referring to power as the capacity to influence or control ideas, institutions, situations, other people, experiences, or outcomes. Forms of power can be visible (e.g., formal rules and structures), hidden (e.g., controlling who is part of a decision-making process), or invisible (e.g., shaping people’s beliefs). While power is often associated with authoritative figures, there is also power in groups of people, organizations, and systems. Power can be a result of privilege, including social advantages or respect given to certain groups. As people involved in the creation of products and services, we have a responsibility to examine our own power in relation to the people our solutions are intended to serve.


Within Kaleidoscope, we're referring to engage/engagements as inviting individuals or groups external to the immediate project team into the research and/or design process; types of engagement can range from consultation to methods that prioritize collaboration and sharing power (i.e., intentional actions to shift, grow, or rebalance power).

Within Kaleidoscope, we're referring to impact as the emotional, social, and material results of one’s interaction with products, services, and systems. These effects can be planned, anticipated, or unintended.